The Buccleuch

Hotel & Restaurant

High Street | Moffat | DG10 9ET

01683 220 003
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Your feedback...

"So welcoming! - Our third stay and will not be our last. Love the refurb, so clever! Food and service as brilliant as ever."
Martin and Julie

About Us

Buccleuch Arms Hotel Moffat



Our friends are our guests, and our guests are our friends,
Service and Quality are not just words, but everyday practice.


This hotel is owned by the Smith family who hailed from Zimbabwe and consider themselves very fortunate to have landed up in one of the most beautiful villages and geographic areas in Scotland. As a family, The Smiths have all the attributes to invest in a hotel that takes on so many different skills.

To their credit, and indeed their biggest success, was in the building up and establishment of a passionate team, it’s not all about us, who all believe in the same ideals. These are not just words but part of a very deep and embedded ethos in the hotel. Every area of service and roll out are grown from this very root.


National accolades have been forthcoming in all areas and all departments in a bid to give the customer, our guests, our friends every satisfaction within our capabilities.
There is no question that we are service led and this will always be the bedrock. The biggest challenge we face is trying to maintain a balance between the olde world charm and patronage of the hotel versus modern day expectations and conveniences.

Our aim is to convert every occasion or visit to our hotel and restaurant into a positive experience and we sincerely hope to achieve this, not once, but consistently.