The Buccleuch

Hotel & Restaurant

High Street | Moffat | DG10 9ET

01683 220 003
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"Delicious food served in a super traditional pub but not expensive. Great selection - even for a veggie!"
Chris C

News & Events

Buccleuch Arms Hotel Moffat

Wine Tasting, Selection and Food Pairing – 05.06.2014

An afternoon of wine tasting, wine selection and wine pairing was enjoyed with staff and our very good friend Marna Farrell from Forth Wines and Mortons. She also brought along representatives from Beronia and Champagne Deutz who added some interest and sparkle to the occasion. Biggest problem was restricting the number of wines we want […]

Motorcycle Tourism Training – 09.06.2014

With the advent and growth of motorcycle tourism in this region our staff made a request to find out what it is all about. The mature motorcycle tourist of today is a professional person who adds significant value to the tourism mix of Scotland and Dumfries and Galloway. They are discerning, wanting quality food, wanting […]